Friday, 28 October 2016

Sacrifice of praise

Today's Scripture:
Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. Psalm 50:14–15, NIV
Let us pray;
Jehovah! Jesus Christ! Holy Micheal!
Dearest Father in heaven, we bring you sacrifice of praise and Thanksgiving for another powerful day, we want to praise you together and to thank you with all our hearts for your goodness and your deliverance from all our needs. Baba! Accept our thanks, and help us go on our way with ever joyful hearts. Make us ready for whatever you have prepared for us, your children. Bless us in our individual lives and bless us in our community, nations. Let your Spirit shed its rays into all places to comfort people's hearts and to restore and strengthen their faith. God we seek ur Joy,Mercy,Wisdom,and Understanding,we pray thee grant us all our good will and taught, so that your May your name he JEHOVAH shall be praised  forever
#alagbaselberacad #devoicetransformationministry
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