Wednesday 9 November 2016

Righteous villa


Today's scripture:

But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13,

Today's prayer:
Let us pray
Jehovah our God, we thank you for a new blessed day, dear Father, may we be gathered in your light. Father through your Spirit strengthen our hearts to hold fast to you, for you always remain our help, our counsel, our comfort throughout our life and in all eternity.
We pleaded thee! Grant and Send us the great comforter (Jesus Christ), the Savior of the world, and grant that again and again we may find newness of life through him. Give us listen ear and heart that we become attentive to him, who is risen from the dead and who will come again to complete the work he began in his life on earth. Don't allowed Evil temptation, We remember your promise, O Jehovah God, and we remain with you. We have little strength, and through us as we are you can accomplish nothing. You alone can fulfill your promise through Jesus Christ, whom you will send to complete your works at his final coming. Amen.


For prayer request and counseling
Please kindly call or Whatsapp 08151511296

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